“We Slowed Down The 100 MPH Train”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Governor Christie justifiably continued to rail against Assembly Democrats for killing the arbitration cap at Wednesday’s Fairfield town hall meeting held at Winston Churchill Elementary:


Governor Christie: In a completely bipartisan way in the end of 2010, 40-0 in the Senate, 76-1 in the Assembly, we passed the interest arbitration cap at two percent. And what happened over the course of the next three years? Well, interest arbitration awards averaged 1.8%, so it worked. It worked all across the state and allowed us to slow down a property tax rate increase which in the 10 years before I became Governor was averaging seven percent a year, now lowered to anywhere between 1.4 and 1.7%. Now, I’d like to see us work on pushing that train backwards and actually lowering property taxes. But we took a train that was going 100 MPH and slowed it down to about 20. Now, here’s the problem. The property tax cap, one of the things I had to do to get the interest arbitration cap was to agree to sunset it. So, it died on April 1st. This past April 1st. We put forward legislation to renew it for another four years. And they sent me, the Legislature sent me a bill that was riddled with holes, that would allow the cap to go even higher. That, simply put, was just a giveaway. It was a giveaway to the special interests that they wanted to giveaway to. I sent it back to them and made it essentially exactly the same as it was for the last three years. The Senate, by a vote of 33-1 approved my changes. 33-1. And now it sits in the Assembly where the Assembly will not even permit a vote on it and they allowed it to expire. So this concept that they approved of 76-1 back at the end of 2010, that by every demonstrable measure worked, now they don’t want to do it.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Let’s see if Chris Christie has any balls. Does he own a pen and a phone? I suggest he uses them to shove an executive order up Loretta Weinberg’s wrinkled behind, and then record the Democrats’ objections. These recordings, plus the resulting surge of his New Jersey popularity, will pave his way to the national Republican nomination.

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