NJ GOP Raising Money for Walker

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

christie and walkerThe New Jersey GOP is working hard this cycle for a candidate who isn’t even in our time zone, Save Jerseyans.

A blast e-mail went out to its support list on Tuesday, sent under Governor Chris Christie’s name, seeking donations for the re-election campaign of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a potential 2016 presidential contender in his own right IF, of course, he holds on to his current job.

“Two years ago, he needed help to fight back an attempt to recall him from office, and he won decisively,” Christie declares in the solicitation e-mail. “Scott Walker’s reforms are working for Wisconsin, but he’ll need all the help he can get once again to fight back the special interests that want to take Wisconsin backward.”

Both men made names for themselves taking on public sector unions in their respective states. Walker has been remarkably successful but, given that his state isn’t much less bluish than our own, he’s got a tough road ahead down the stretch.

The link included in the NJ GOP email takes the viewer to Scott Walker’s donation page. It’s highly unusual for the NJ GOP to solicit funds via email for anyone other than the Governor; by way of example, two as-of-yet unspecified fundraisers for U.S. Senate candidate Jeff Bell (and another for Bergen’s Kathe Donovan, where he made an appearance in May) have generated news and buzz in state political circles. The Big Guy just doesn’t do much fundraising work on his home turf.

With all of that being said, Governor Christie has repeatedly reaffirmed in recent days his commitment to the Wisconsin race, classifying the defense as a “huge priority” for his RGA which has already raised $60 million this cycle. It’s all being done with good reason; the latest public polling RCP average shows Walker leading his Democrat challenger by less than 1-point.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. .

    Good for Chris; maybe he can get some pointers from a man who stuck by his principles and WON…

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