@GovChristie’s Post-Budget Address Offensive: Slams Warren Buffett, @GMA at 7am, Town Hall at 10:30am

  • STEP #1: Propose a tax cut to one of the nation’s most liberal state legislatures.
  • STEP #2: Take your case directly to the American people.

No one knows how to use a bully pulpit better than Chris Christie, Save Jerseyans.

He followed up yesterday’s budget address with a pre-taped CNN interview aired Tuesday evening. Among other golden nuggets from his chat with Piers Morgan, Christie suggested that the tax hike obsessed billionaire and obnoxious Obama-backer Warren Buffett should “shut up” and “write a check.”

This morning, the Governor is slated for a 7:00 a.m. interview on Good Morning America [ABC – 7  for the New York Market and ABC – 6 in the Philadelphia Market]. Then he’s off to conduct a signature Christie-style town hall at Palisades Park High School.

Have you ever seen anything like him? The man is a machine!

Frankly, the only two Republicans in America guaranteed to grab headlines at every turn are Sarah Palin and Chris Christie. No one else in the GOP can truly claim “rockstar” status (Marco Rubio could, too, but he seems a bit more guarded). But the key difference between them (besides gender and accents)? Christie earns his press by aggressively engaging the media and the public. Palin prefers the passive-aggressive approach; I can’t completely blame her after the savage treatment she received on the trail in 2008.

That said, I think Governor Christie’s approach is the superior way to command widespread attention AND respect, a feat that has thus far eluded Governor Palin.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Christie is a one termer, his negatives are off the chart, he makes a big deal about balancing the budget which by law and creative math he does. Toll rates have gone way up, the major cities in NJ are out of control, and his policy towards the Rutgers-Rowan merger is wrong.

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