Jeb! Bush, throwing consistency to the win, continues trashing the guy he endorsed for vice president

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

I’m so sick and tired of how fake these guys are, Save Jerseyans. All of them. It’s depressing!

With only hours to go before New Hampshire passes judgment on the 2016 race for president, Jeb Bush renewed his attack on fellow Floridian Marco Rubio for an allegedly light resume. “I’ve always thought he was gifted,” said Bush in a Sunday podcast interview. “He is charismatic. He lights up a room. He has an extraordinary message to tell, all of which is something to be admired … [But] he’s never been challenged in his life … He’s young.”

Fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But in the former Governor Florida’s opinion, what about the former Florida Speaker of the House’s last four years in the U.S. Senate made him less experienced to be president than back in 2012 when Jeb! endorsed Rubio to serve as Mitt Romney‘s running mate:


Jeb was confronted on his flip-flop before Saturday by Fox News’s Bret Baier and, in my humble opinion, did a lost worse fielding the direct questions than his former mentee performed during the early moments of the Christie-led debate assault:

So was Jeb not being honest before? Or does he hold THAT low of an opinion of the post which his own father held for eight years?

Like I said after Saturday’s debate, Save Jerseyans: there’s nothing authentic about anything you’re seeing. Nada. Bupkis! It’s a giant, awful, increasingly hard-to-watch game. 100% fake like professional wrestling. Even the anti-establishment guys are playing with big backers for bigger money. Jeb, in fact, believes anyone who has a problem with a third Bush presidency in thirty years needs to “get over it.”

Is it any wonder why so many people are “over” him – and the rest of the permanent political class – after reading everything above?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Is it possible to face any less of a challenge than if you were born a Bush? Chances he gets that biz deal in Miami? Chance that he is governor?? Come on now. But most importantly, why are these clowns providing even a hint of fodder in the possible event that Rubio is the nominee? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Where are the sane voices???

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