Trump is now going to be really hard to stop

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

New Hampshire has spoken. Loudly.

Can anything happen going forward? Sure. Sort of. 2016 is a roller coaster unlike anything a theme park designer could ever dream up. Still, if we’re being honest, it’s hard to imagine how Marco Rubio (running 5th right now in the New Hampshire results tally) or anyone else in the GOP field can stop Donald Trump after Tuesday night, Save Jerseyans. The train is out of the station.

I’m gradually resigning myself to it. You might need to consider doing the same. I told you Trump won last weekend’s debate but some of you scoffed at my assessment. Never doubt me!

trumpThrow out your playbooks. Posting 35%+ in the Granite State in a crowded field despite spending only around $1 for every $10 spent by Jeb! Bush and lacking a major field operation, there’s no reason or external variable remaining on the radar which leads me to believe the Donald is likely to stumble in South Carolina where his current polling position matches his New Hampshire percentage as of this writing.

New Hampshire isn’t Iowa; it’s a fiscally conservative state. It should’ve been good for Rubio and the governors. Not so much… Trump outperformed big time. South Carolina looks more like Iowa than New Hampshire in some respects but the GOP there is far more diverse and, again, Trump’s polling there is hugely positive for the reality star.

The only hope for those of us who know Trump is nuts?

One that now looks unrealistic. Naturally.

New Hampshire didn’t thin the herd much at all. Christie and Fiorina are likely done and Carson is increasingly looking like a non-factor. That being said, Tuesday’s muddled result will perpetuate the intramural fight between so-called establishment candidates plus Ted Cruz who all finished within a few points of each other (ranging from Kasich at 16% to Rubio at 11%). Rubio was the only one who had both an opportunity for a breakout but Jeb and our governor took care of that.

So we’re dealing with difficult math. Not impossible but very, very hard numbers to overcome if the race remains crowded.

Trump only needs 30-something percent to win in a 4, 5, 6 or more person race, Save Jerseyans. The anti-Trump candidates have a firm deadline now to get their crap together: March 15th. That’s when the primaries convert to winner take all. Anything more than a 3-person race at that point is almost certain to guarantee a Trump nomination. I’m not optimistic they’ll find religion and do the right thing in time.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. The Biggest Majority in 74yrs in Congress doing nothing but giving Obama, Reid & Pelosi everything they wanted in the Omnibus budget passed was the last straw that broke the camels back with Republicans across America. No one who is in office or considered part of the political class will never win candidacy. New Hampshire is a microcosm of all states and 57% of NH Republicans want an outsider

  2. The man started a movement and started the conversations of this campaign. All they criticised was truth, and what Americans really want. Too bad the establishment may lose and not earn the money they take from billionaires, corporations, lobbyists, and other countties. Paybacks are a bitch, and the establisment politicians sold out America years ago.

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