POLL: Only 79% of N.J. GOP voters committed to Trump in November

Just 15% think Christie would help Trump as his Veep pick

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Trouble ahead? Quite possibly. I’ll try to hide my surprise.

Part of the reason why Donald Trump has trouble beating Hillary Clinton in anything other than a Rasmussen Poll was illustrated in today’s new Monmouth Poll, Save Jerseyans.

Looking ahead to November, 79% of New Jersey GOP primary voters say they will stick with Trump in the general election. Among the remainder, 6% say they will vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton, 6% will vote for another candidate, 3% will stay home, and 6% are not sure what they will do. Among Cruz and Kasich supporters, just 45% say they will vote for Trump in November while 19% will vote for Clinton, 14% will vote for another candidate on the ballot, 12% will stay home, and 10% are undecided.”

trump romneyHistorical perspective: back in 2004 – the last time this country elected a Republican President – George W. Bush locked up 93% of the Republican vote; 6% (the same amount preparing to defect to Hillary) voted for John Kerry.

Mitt Romney also earned 93% of the GOP vote in 2012.

Trump is going to need yuge Democrat and Independent margins – of historic proportions – to make up the gap if most of these GOP voters stay solidly #NeverTrump. There may not be enough white, blue collar Democrats left to compensate.

Something else of note: unpopular as ever, just 15% of the same voter poll dominated by Trump say Chris Christie, the lead Trump delegate, would help Trump’s campaign; 41% think it’d hurt.

“It’s hard to imagine any running mate who could kill the Trump buzz, but the voters who know Chris Christie best think he might be that guy,” opined Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute. “The advice from New Jersey Republicans? Look elsewhere for a running mate.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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