N.J. Democrats lay blame on police hours before Baton Rouge

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Sunday brought yet another round of deadly violence in what is beginning to look like a guerrilla war against America’s police, Save Jerseyans.

Baton Rouge won’t be the end of it all, either, for however long as members of the media and our elected officials continue to openly embrace a factually-bankrupt premise: that police are killing/hunting young black men.

New Jersey State Police HelicopterOf course, no one in the N.J. Democrat delegation cares about anything other than winning through stubborn adherence to a decades-old playbook.

They’re STILL blaming the police this morning!

On Friday, days after five officers were gunned down in Dallas and only hours before three more were murdered in cold blood in Baton Rouge, New Jersey Senate Democrat leaders announced new legislation designed to take police shooting cases away from local officials.

Because local law enforcement is the problem, right?

In practice, the new point person would be a special prosecutor with the Attorney General’s office, and any fatal shooting would qualify regardless if the office was in or out of uniform, should this bill ever become law.

“By no means is this an indictment of police officers,” Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3), the bill’s primary sponsor, assured the audience at his presser. “This is an effort to restore trust.”

“I never remember a time in my life when police officers were being shot and being ambushed. There are people that are angry, they are scared, and there are a lot of unanswered questions,” Sweeney continued. “Those five officers in Dallas that were murdered, what did they do wrong but try to protect people that were protesting?”

Does it ever cross his mind that people are angry and sacred because of the dynamic his party created?

Steve Sweeney
Steve Sweeney

Years of Democrats using race as a weapon are coming to a head. Ironically, the end result may be President Trump.

Back here in New Jersey, Sweeney is running for governor next year so he’s working hard to walk the line. He can’t bash police officers and anger most voters but he also can’t take a firm pro-law enforcement stance or he risks alienating his far-left state party.

So what we get instead is a weak ‘unanswered questions’ response from New Jersey’s highest elected Democrat to what Sweeney readily admits is a crisis of historic proportions, and a bill which will almost assuredly further politicize these incidents by putting the Administration in charge of investigating police shootings.

No strong condemnations of Black Lives Matter and related hate groups.

No statements of unambiguous unity with police under siege.

No call for “angry” citizens to get off their asses and help law enforcement help their communities by doing something constructive.

There are only two sides in this struggle, Save Jerseyans: those who want to move America forward and those who want to make excuses for murderers.

The Sweeney-era New Jersey Democrat Party certainly seems to have made its choice.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8539 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.