Webber Resigned Over Republican “Turmoil”? Please.

The media and the Democrat State Committee, through their nervous leader, John Wisniewski, are attempting to propagate a rumor that Jay Webber’s resignation as Chairman of the NJGOP is a product of “turmoil” in the Republican Party and between the Governor and Assemblyman Webber. That might be the most ridiculous thing I have heard since Paul Mulshine mused about the “blizzard” we had last month.

The NJGOP has been on a roll for the last 18 months under Webber’s watch. The Republican brand in New Jersey is arguably stronger now than it has been since Governor Kean won reelection. The trend is clearly a positive one, and any suggestion of turmoil is nothing but spin in an attempt to diminish the gains in recent years. In fact, the Republicans in New Jersey are more unified than ever, with a strategy focused on victory and fixated on making sure that redistricting creates a map that will ensure that victory happens. That is what the resignation was all about. Webber knows that this is the key to a Republican resurgence in this state that can last a decade or more. He and Governor Christie are partners in this plan, not adversaries.

The only turmoil seems to be in the mind of Chairman Wisniewski. He is clearly getting a bit overwhelmed with the redistricting process. Constantly whining about the ability of the GOP to fundraise to fund its preparatory work for the commission, something that is completely legal and simply smart in such an important year. Either Wisniewski (1) doesn’t have the ability to bring in the cash for his side, (2) is upset that he didn’t think of it himself, or (3) is starting to realize the momentum of the Republicans going into the process and is scared of his impending failure that could turn the legislature red next year.

Truthfully, its probably all three. But to be honest I don’t blame Wisniewski for feeling that way. He is up against a strong group of Republican leaders on the commission who are backed by the most imposing Governor in the nation. He’s outnumbered, outgunned, and unprepared. Trying to deflect his shortcomings and problems on to the Republicans and his former counterpart is an interesting, but hardly creative strategy. John, you aren’t fooling anyone.

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.