Webber Welcomes All Comers As Cesaro Reportedly Enters LD26 Melee

John Cesaro

Morris County Deputy Freeholder Director John Cesaro is joining the hunt to unseat Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce in this June’s LD26 primary, Save Jerseyans, according to a report from The Daily Record.

“I want to run because I want to be an assemblyman who is visible to the people. Unlike another Assembly person who is not visible, it would be very difficult to say that I’ve not been visible – from pancake breakfasts to Republican meetings to events with the public,” Cesaro told the paper.

Click here to read the full story.

Cesaro joins a four-way contest that includes fellow Freeholder Hank Lyon and incumbent Assemblyman Jay Webber who, for his part, had a “the more the merrier” attitude after today’s news broke.

“No matter how many candidates enter the race for Assembly, I look forward to comparing my conservative record on taxes, spending, and debt to anyone’s. Elections are about choices, and because I represent the values of my constituents, I am confident that I will earn the voters’ trust and be their choice again in June,” Webber told Facebook followers.


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