Guadagno Goes Live with First TV Spot

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno dropped her first TV ad of Election 2017 on Tuesday, Save Jerseyans, titled “Better,” a 30-second positive spot highlighting her job creation efforts during the Christie years.

The ad is a stark contrast to the mailers of her chief GOP primary rival, Jack Ciattarelli, who is currently bombarding New Jersey Republicans’ mailboxes with literature attacking the LG’s record in office.



Working class roots. Jersey spirit.

Kim Guadagno: prosecutor, sheriff and military mom. Kim Guadagno is one of us. Running for governor to make New Jersey better.

Credited with bringing New Jersey’s economy back from the brink with real results. More than 300,000 jobs back in Jersey. Unemployment cut in half.

Now Kim is running for governor with a plan to audit Trenton. Real property tax relief for homeowners. A more affordable New Jersey.

Kim Guadagno. Better. 

The pair will clash for the first time one-on-one at a Stockton University debate on May 9th.


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