Once again, the Internet puts Christie’s waistline on trial

Governor Christie showed us again this weekend all the reasons why he has earned an approval rating south of the Mendoza line.

The list of reasons both Republicans and Democrats have to celebrate term limits continues to grow, and with all the policy and political reasons readily available to attack him on, the internet once again leads with the most important one:

He’s fat.

So the double standard is once again on display. The masses of SJW’s reinforce the message, “It’s ok to be a bully, as long as it’s deserved”, whatever that means.

The Guv made a objectively poor decision to hit the beach, I can’t imagine who could argue that the optics aren’t anything but terrible. Some have suggested its borderline unethical.

He could have made a point of being seen at the Statehouse.

He could have regularly pushed other Republican leaders into the frame in an attempt to help the party.

He could have backed off his line item veto threats in efforts to reach compromise.

Complain about any number of those things.

Instead the Internet haters and political lemmings jump straight to ‘hey look, a beached whale’ jokes, which are not only rude but remarkably uninspired. Get off the beach fatso was a blunt one, and another meme I saw floating about had him sitting on the beach drinking a jar of mayonnaise through a straw.

At the end of the day of course, no one should be surprised. Civil dialogue has become a talking point in our public discourse, not an actual goal. It’s just unfortunate that as the anti-bullying cry directed at our kids gets ever louder, the words and actions of the adults continued to degrade.

So while most of the voters in New Jersey have no idea what a line item veto is, or what Horizon has to do with the budget, they all know he’s fat on a beach, and they don’t like it.

It’s misplaced rage, it’s sophomoric, and we should all aspire to something better.

But hey, in this case it’s okay, right, because he deserved it.

Dominick Mondi
About Dominick Mondi 4 Articles
DOMINICK MONDI is President of the Associated Builders and Contractors' New Jersey Chapter.