ROONEY: Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, and our Media created the conditions for it

TRENTON, N.J. — Trump’s Hollywood Star has been destroyed.

Ivanka Trump is folding up her fashion brand.

Is Trump Derangement Syndrome real?

Save Jersey Founder and Blogger-in-Chief Matt Rooney says ‘yes,’ and he was back on the Chasing News A+ panel this week to help try to explain the phenomenon and what’s causing it:

“Oh it is, real, and it is painful. I’ve gotten emails from these people at Save Jersey. And it’s sad, and it starts with the top. When you have a media in this country that’s constantly only telling one side of the story — hint: it isn’t Trump’s side of the story — …and then you’ve got leaders like Cory Booker who just this week said that if you support Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, you’re abetting evil? I mean, when that rhetoric is constantly out there, and the media isn’t providing the other side of the story, who can blame some very disturbed people out there for acting badly?”


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