Rush Limbaugh says the Menendez vs. Hugin race isn’t over

By The Staff

The networks have called it. Menendez leads by 10-points with 48% reporting.

But leading national conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh just weighed in via social media minutes ago and seems to be saying ‘not so fast.’

“Keep an eye on the Menendez Senate race in New Jersey,” said Limbaugh on  Facebook. “If the Republican wins there — and he could — then that’s gonna cause some panic on the TV panelists that you see. Consequently, if Ted Cruz loses in Texas, then it could signal a nationwide Republican wipeout. Now, so say some of the experts. I think these races are all too different to start extrapolating, ’cause the people voting in Utah don’t know what the people in New Jersey are doing, and the people in New York don’t know what the people in Arizona are doing and vice-versa.”

Hugin has not conceded.


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