NJ-11: Pelosi is lobbying Sherrill for her speakership battle vote

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Will Congresswoman-elect Mikie Sherrill keep her promise to NJ-11 residents?

Sherrill (right)

According to Politico, Nancy Pelosi is working overtime to recruit newly-elected House freshman to her speakership coalition; those freshman include incoming members who previously went on record opposing Pelosi returning in the top House leadership position:

“Pelosi has dispatched Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), a colonel in the Air Force Reserve, to try to win over veterans who are currently against Pelosi or likely to vote against her, according to multiple Democratic sources. Lieu has been trying to persuade incoming freshmen Crow, Rose, Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey and Chissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania — all ex-military — to vote against Pelosi in caucus but for her on the House floor, according to sources familiar with those conversations.”

Click here for the full story.

Sherrill previously pledged to oppose a second Pelosi speakership while declaring “she has been a very effective Speaker to this point.


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