Rider University: China’s values are OK, but not so keen on Chick-fil-A

By Matt Rooney

The values of the Left — and Leftist academia in particular — continue to astound, mystify and yes, depress the hell out of anyone paying attention, Save Jerseyans.

Two recent headlines from Central Jersey come to mind:


The first is Rider University’s petty decision to override the will of its own student body and block Chick-fil-A from campus. Regular readers likely recall how, last spring, Rider had invited students to complete survey concerning which restaurants they wanted on the Lawrenceville campus; Rider’s administration nevertheless decided to scrap the survey when Chick-Fil-A won. It’s #HateChicken after all! They didn’t use that exact phrase but apparent in the school’s statement lamenting how the fast food giant’s “corporate values have not sufficiently progressed enough to align with those of Rider.

What are Rider’s values, exactly?

Whatever they are, they’re apparently “aligned” with those of China. Yes, CHINA. Back in June 2018, after its students had completed a survey asking for Chick-Fil-A, the administration penned an agreement to sell its Princeton-based Westminster Choir College to a Chinese company for $40 million. Alumni are suing; they say the company is actually “a Chinese government-owned defense contractor for the Chinese Navy.

The Communist country’s abysmal and notorious human rights record is a matter of public record. Dissidents, reformers, homosexuals, Christians, Muslims… the regime’s list of victims is ponderous.

China’s government is okay by Rider’s administration.

Hate chicken? That’s where they draw the line!

I think that famous Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset said it best: “Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.” He could’ve just of easily said “you are what you eat.” Same difference.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.