POLL: Only 37% of New Jerseyans think Gropacus would make a good POTUS

By The Staff

It’s a less-than-inspiring vote of confidence from his home state.

The results of a brand new Monmouth University Poll (released Thursday) indicate that just 37% of New Jerseyans believe Cory Booker would make a good president.


A measurably larger number – 42% – say he wouldn’t.

“Booker has become better known to his constituents over the past two years, but his presidential bid and elevated national profile may have worn off some of the sheen. Part of the problem could be that New Jerseyans haven’t fully recovered from Christie’s run four years ago,” opined Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute, noting only 27% of New Jerseyans thought Chris Christie would make a good president back in 2015.

Click here for the full polling report.

While Booker’s overall approval ratings remain decent, at least relative to Chris Christie and Phil Murphy, one other Garden State data point should give the junior senator — and any Democrat primary voters elsewhere – pause concerning his electability: his rating among independents (37% approve versus 42% disapprove) is down dramatically (52% approve to 33% disapprove) since last year.

That’s a 24-point swing!

Less surprisingly, he’s less popular with N.J. Republicans but slightly more popular with Garden State Democrats.

Booker’s approval rating collapse with independents mirrors his hard shift to the Left in order to win the Democrat presidential nomination.

New Jersey Democrats previously enacted a ‘Cory Booker Law’ which permits Booker to seek the presidency and reelection to his Senate seat in 2020. Only 21% believe Booker should continue running for both offices if he is confirmed as the Democrat nominee to challenge Donald Trump.


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