SURVEY: New Jersey is America’s least patriotic state

TRENTON, N.J. – The Garden State is finding itself with yet another dubious distinction with another Independence Day right around the corner. 

On Monday, the popular site WalletHub released the results of a survey claiming that New Jersey is America’s least patriot state.

WalletHub evaluated “13 key indicators of patriotism” included “share of enlisted military population to share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita.”

New Jersey had the 48th worst military engagement ranking (with the second fewest veterans per capita) and the 45th worst civic engagement score (with heavy weight applied to participation in the 2016 election). 

Our neighbor New York wasn’t far behind in the 49th position. Some patterns did emerge; overall, red states edged out blue states in the patriotic rankings

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