In nod to political allies, Murphy closes down most private construction but lets public projects continue

TRENTON, N.J. – All non-essential construction needs to pause effective Good Friday at 8:00 p.m., Save Jerseyans. That’s the latest executive order announced by Governor Phil Murphy at his Wednesday daily COVID-19 press briefing.

The “non-essential” list says everything about how serious this is:


“Murphy included exemptions for construction projects that involve hospitals, schools, affordable housing, transportation, utility work, emergency repairs and individual housing sites that can continue to operate under strict social distancing guidelines. He did not detail those restrictions.”

Affordable housing.



Notice a pattern? Most of the exempt types of construction projects are government-funded. The far-left, hyper-ideological, patronage-driven, special interest-targeted, big government chow wagon will continue chugging along while private companies (including supermarkets? And Amazon) and individual residents are limited to emergency repairs and other as-of-yet not specified regulations..

What “strict limits” for individual housing sites means is anyone’s guess.

TBD? We’re supposed to get a full list sometime today.

I suspect the contractor who was going to build your backyard deck this weekend with his small crew of skilled laborers is in MUCH less danger of contracting COVID-19 than the large crew of workers toiling, in close quarters, on an affordable housing build or a school building which, let’s face it, won’t be open until September anyway.

It’s almost as if… if you can believe it… these restrictions have less to do with SAFETY and more to do with politics/virtue-signaling… hmmm…

There’s a reason property tax collections aren’t being delayed like income tax filings…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.