Top Salem Republican calls on Singh to suspend his campaign

SALEM, N.J. – Salem County’s top Republican wants Hirsh Singh to end his GOP U.S. Senate primary campaign.

County Republican Chairwoman Linda DuBois says Singh’s decision to send out a letter – one which asked voters to request a second mail-in ballot if they voted for his rival Rik Mehta – can’t be remedied by an apology.


“The behavior of Hirsh Singh and many of his supporters has been disgraceful throughout this campaign,” said DuBois in a Friday statement. “While Chairmen Ambrosino, Barlas and Earlen were right to condemn Singh’s attempt to confuse voters and Chairwoman Vigilante was right to call on Singh to apologize I don’t think condemnation and an apology go far enough. Because Singh’s recent campaign mailer is simply the icing on the cake of his and his supporters horrendous behavior I believe Hirsh Singh should immediately suspend his campaign and ask his supporters to vote for Rik Mehta.”

Singh, a millennial perennial candidate from Atlantic County, also received a cease and desist letter from the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office warning Singh of possible criminal penalties.

“Your letter states that by casting a ‘duplicate’ mail-in ballot and sending it to the county board of elections, ‘Your duplicate ballot will replace your earlier ballot.’ This statement is false,” wrote Deputy AG George Cohen. “After receiving a mail-in ballot, any ‘duplicate’ ballot received by the county board of elections will be rejected.”

“You are to immediately cease and desist from any further mailing, emailing or any other dissemination of the attached letter,” added Cohen. “You are further directed to immediately provide this office, the State Division of Elections, all county clerks and county boards of elections with a list of the names and addresses of all persons who were sent a copy of your letter.”

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