Murphy won’t let you vote in person. Fauci says it’s okay. Who do you trust, Karen?

By Matt Rooney

Governor Murphy would have you believe there’s unassailable “science” behind his order a remote general election for fall 2020. If you’re skeptical, it’s likely because you’ve been paying attention. Good for you. Time after time, however, we’ve seen Phil rely on suspect data and studies (I’m being generous here for some reason unknown to even me) to justify objectively political decision.

Don’t believe me? Fine. Maybe you’ll believe Anthony Fauci.

Just this week, the nation’s top infectious disease doc who’s been canonized by the Left told ABC News that, in his opinion, there’s no issue with voting in person this Novemer.

“I think if carefully done, according to the guidelines, there’s no reason that I can see why that not be the case,” said the media darling. “If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing, and don’t have a crowded situation, there’s no reason why shouldn’t be able to do that.”

I’m not a member of the cult of Fauci. This is the same guy who told us in March it was okay to go cruising.

Still, it’s worth noting that Phil Murphy isn’t a doctor. He isn’t a research scientist. He’s a Goldman Sachs guy. His medical credentials are on par with those of a high school biology student. I’ll be blunt: who the fudge is he to disagree with St. Anthony the Great?

Aren’t we supposed to be following the experts’ advice?

What do Murphy’s experts know that Fauci doesn’t?

If they do know something… care to share, Phil?

By the way… only disabled voters can use the machines in New Jersey this fall, but there’s going to be a mechanism for you to show up and drop off a ballot if you don’t trust the postal service. That’s the plan, but how is that plan safer??? Have you seen the MVC lines?

Does “science” no longer matter when there’s a prime opportunity to steal an election?

To all N.J. journalists (all three of you): feel free to steal this question and ask it at the next Murphy COVID-19 campaign commercial (“briefing”). No attribution necessary.


Save Jersey’s Founder and Blogger-in-Chief, MATT ROONEY is a nationally-noted and respected New Jersey political commentator. When he’s not on-line, radio or television advocating for conservative reform and challenging N.J. power-brokers, Matt is a practicing attorney at the law firm of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights (Camden County).


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.