SPADEA: Today is Day 184 of 15 days to stop the spread

By Bill Spadea
This post originally appeared at NJ 101.5

When will this national nightmare end? When will the “crisis management” from crisis actor Phil Murphy and his cohorts end? When will Trenton take the boot off of the back of our small business economy? The answer is only after NJ residents speak up, stand up and take off the damn mask.

As long as you are acting scared of a virus pandemic that has long since passed, you will be a slave to the arbitrary edicts of this governor. A governor who admits he did not consider the Bill of Rights when exercising the tremendous power of the NJ chief executive. A governor who ignores the pleas from families who lost loved ones in our nursing homes as a direct result of Phil and Judy’s misguided directive. As long as you are telling your kids it’s OK to wear a mask and fear interaction with others, you will continue to suffer. As long as you allow yourself to be scared with the fake science from Phil & Company about healthy people spreading disease, despite that being debunked by study after study, and the ACTUAL evidence of who the virus has impacted and how people got sick. As long as you continue to accept social distance and masks, you will never fully recover what we have all lost.

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Bill Spadea
About Bill Spadea 83 Articles
BILL SPADEA is best known as NJ 101.5's unapologetically conservative and politically incorrect morning host. He's also a former business executive, consultant, congressional candidate, TV host, and New Jersey political strategist.