THREAD: Election 2020 Results For N.J. State, Federal Races

New Jersey’s polls close at 8 p.m. EST… DEVELOPING…

U.S. President 

7:38 a.m. – It’s not looking good for the Trumpster, Save Jerseyans. He’s behind in Wisconsin and teetering in Michigan as Detroit comes in. If Biden wins both and carries Nevada? A protracted PA count’s result won’t matter…

12:05 a.m. – It’s tomorrow, folks, and the Trump campaign (and many others) are pushing back against the Arizona call. Among them is the state’s GOP Governor Doug Ducey (on Twitter): “It’s far too early to call the election in Arizona. Election Day votes are not fully reported, and we haven’t even started to count early ballots dropped off at the polls. In AZ, we protected Election Day. Let’s count the votes — all the votes — before making declarations.” 

11:48 p.m. – Donald Trump is projected to win Ohio…

11:37 p.m. – The current state of play:

11:23 p.m. – Fox News calls Arizona for Biden. First genuine “bad news” for Trump this evening.

11:10 p.m. – The first huge call of the night… Donald Trump has won Florida!

10:45 p.m. – Fox News calls New Hampshire for Joe Biden.

10:38 p.m. – Trump won Florida seniors by about 10-points, and Trump got about 40% of Hispanic voters (all according to Fox News).

10:19 p.m. – There’s plenty of anecdotal information of strong Trump performances tonight in Obama-Trump PA counties and rural Wisconsin counties. Still too early in both states to say too much more.

9:49 p.m. – Trump now pulling into an Ohio lead. Told you to relax.

9:05 p.m. Trump is on track to win FL, NC, GA and TX tonight, Save Jersey. FL should drop any minute. What does this mean? The battle turns to the Rust Belt, although Trump winning NV/NH or Biden winning AZ could add interesting twists to the electoral college calculus.

8:45 p.m. – Be patient with Ohio, folks. The rural areas trickle in. #Patience… it’s a virtue!

8:35 p.m. – The New York Times has Trump leading on its “needles” in Florida (> 95%), Georgia (86%), and very slightly in North Carolina (63%). Is the presidency in hand. No! Not yet. But so much for that Biden blowout you heard so much about, right?

8:31 p.m. – Donald Trump is the winner in Arkansas

8:05 p.m. – Spartacus is projected to earn another term in the U.S. Senate, defeating Republican challenger Rik Mehta.

8:00 p.m. – Fox News calls DC, DE, MA, RI, CT, IL, MD, NJ (insert sad face here), and ME. We don’t know ME-2 yet.

Trump wins AL, MS, TN, MO, OK.

7:43 p.m. –  Trump’s chances are presently over 95% to win Florida (!) per the NYT’s infamous needle. The Democrats are nursing only a single digit margin coming out of Miami Dade which, for comparison’s sake, would be like a Republican in N.J. keeping Camden County to single digits. Hilldawg carried it by 30-points in 2016.

7:00 p.m. – Biden wins Virginia, Vermont per Fox News.

                     Trumps wins Kentucky, West Virginia per Fox News.

                       CNN call Indiana for Trump.


7:54 a.m. – The Congressman declared victory last night with an approximate 10,000 vote lead over Amy Kennedy; his team doesn’t think what’s still out in Cumberland County can make a difference.

9:38 p.m. – Van Drew up 3.5-points in NJ-02 with almost 70% in.

8:50 p.m. – Jeff Van Drew currently has a 10k vote lead out of deep red Cape May County. That’s promising.


9:50 p.m. – David Richter has issued a statement to Save Jersey: “We look forward to getting the final results once every vote has been counted.” Click here.

9:05 p.m. – News in the Richter/Kim race from New Jersey Globe


9:50 p.m. – Chris Smith is up by close to 70%. Nuff said.


9:55 p.m. – Hard to see a Pallotta path IF this 50,000+ Gottheimer margin holds in the Bergen portion of the district. TBD.


12:05 p.m. – Tom Kean is behind by under 30,000 votes at the moment, enough to make this race too-close-to-call tonight.


9:50 p.m. – Biden is winning in Morris County; that’s grim news for the GOP challenger Rosemary Becchi.


10:47 p.m. – There’s a LOT out, but…

U.S. Senate

9:50 p.m. – Booker’s current 61% to 37% margin almost exactly mirrors Biden’s statewide margin.

8:00 p.m. – It’s over. Spartacus is going back to D.C.

County/Local Races – TBD


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Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.