PRIMARY 2021: Steinhardt takes aim at Ciattarelli “and his State Street pals”

PHILLIPSBURG, N.J. – Despite coming up short in the electoral college this fall, President Donald Trump undeniably succeeded in making “the Swamp” less popular than ever before among a broad spectrum of Americans. As New Jersey Republicans descend into their 2021 gubernatorial primary, candidates’ campaigns are already working to convince primary voters that the other camp’s guy is the true “swamp” creature. 

On Friday, former NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt launched a tongue-in-cheek “Lobbyists for Ciattarelli” coalition and urged prospective supporters to help him “take back New Jersey from folks like Jack and his State Street pals.” It’s significant if for no other reason because it’s the first open and direct attack of the GOP primary cycle.

“All lobbyists seeking a career politician well-versed in corrupt practices, should look no further. Jack Ciattarelli is your guy,” said Steinhart. “The Trenton Swamp is bankrolling, housing, and staffing Jack’s campaign already. Heck, they’re even writing Jack’s policy agenda for him. The insiders and lobbyists know they can count on Jack to maintain the same status quo that’s resulted in New Jersey leading the nation in property taxes and the outmigration of jobs and people.”

Steinhardt’s campaign cited Ciattarelli’s close tactical relationship with Trenton heavyweight Dale Florio of Princeton Public Affairs Group (PPAG) profiled in an early 2020 story by New Jersey Globe.

The Globe story focused on a Murphy World attack accusing Ciattarelli, a former Assemblyman, of opposing a cigarette tax hike proposal because his ally Florio is a tobacco lobbyist.

Steinhardt (left) and Ciattarelli (right) campaigning for other Republicans during the 2020 cycle.

Ciattarelli backers counter that the charge is ironic since Steinhardt is a name partner at Florio Perrucci Steinhardt Cappelli, Tipton & Taylor LLC, one of the state’s most politically-connected firms and home to Democrat powerbrokers including former Governor Jim Florio and Camden County Freeholder Lou Cappelli.

“Doug Steinhardt wasn’t very good at winning elections as state party chair, but he’s apparently great at leading with his chin and lying through his teeth as a candidate for Governor. Steindhart’s release – which can’t even spell his own name right – is laughable,” said Ciattarelli Campaign Manager Eric Arpert when reached for comment by Save Jersey. “Maybe someone needs to remind Doug that he is a named partner at a lobbying firm and that he’s been busy lining his pockets with tens of millions of dollars in no-bid contracts on the backs of taxpayers. Then he splits those profits with his far-left Democrat partners like former tax-hiking Governor Jim Florio, Camden Party Boss Lou Capelli, and mega donors to Bob Menendez’s legal defense fund like Michael Perrucci.  The record is clear – Doug Steinhardt is the swamp. He can’t fix New Jersey, because he and his Democrat partners are a big reason it’s broken in the first place.”

The primary vote isn’t until June (barring more COVID-19 related nonsense), but county committees will begin formally endorsing candidates and awarding lines in the next several weeks.

The GOP gubernatorial nomination fight could come down to who wins “the line” in a few key counties including Bergen and Ocean; a third candidate – perennial candidate Hirsh Singh – also has the potential to leverage his name recognition from past races and social media following into a true spoiler role.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.