Trump commutes the sentence of Medicare fraudster and Menendez’s buddy Salomon Melgen

Menendez (left) and his friend/donor Melgen (right). Melgen has since been sentenced to years in prison for Medicare fraud which was enabled by Menendez.
By Matt Rooney

Presidential 11th hour pardons and commutations are often controversial, and I’m definitely disappointed in one, Save Jerseyans. I suspect you will be, too.

Remember Salomon Melgen?

President Trump has reportedly commuted the remainder of Melgen’s 17-year sentence. Melgen was a friend and donor of Bob Menendez accused of perpetrating a multi-million dollar Medicare fraud. Melgen’s scheme involved tricking elderly patients into macular degeneration treatments which weren’t medically necessary; some of these seniors were left permanently blind.

Menendez’s use of his office to advocate for Melgen – and the perks he received in return, which federal prosecutors tried to classify as bribes – were at the heart of the Democrat senator’s corruption trial which ended in a hung jury and Menendez receiving a formal ethics committee admonishment.

“The Committee has determined that this conduct violated Senate Rules, federal law, and applicable standards of conduct,” explained he committee. “Accordingly, the Committee issues you this Public Letter of Admonition, and also directs you to repay the fair market value of all impermissible gifts not already repaid,” read the letter signed by both Republican and Democrat members.”

Melgen isn’t just another white collar criminal with an otherwise great career who did something stupid. He’s a monster, folks.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.