Following the Money: An Inside Look at the real money behind Green Politics

By George Mitchell

“When in doubt do the right thing. For the rest of the time get away with whatever you can.”

Sometimes ideas are too good to be true, that is the case with our green energy policy. Democratic politicians speak in moral imperatives, and that if we don’t upend our way of life the entire planet is going to melt. If you choose to fight their morality, you are a bigot.

Understanding that lens, it is time to take a look under the hood of the electric vehicle and follow the money.

In the year 1999, Al Gore, then U.S. vice president and a Democratic candidate for president, sold US $6,000 worth of cows, of which most of that money when to his kids. The former public servant now has a net-worth near $200 million dollars he built on the back of “green industry” and “big tech.”

According to public sources, Gore is the founder and current chair of The Climate Reality Project, the co-founder and chair of Generation Investment Management, the now-defunct Current TV network, a member of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc. and a senior adviser to Google. Two of these social media entities recently deleted President Donald Trump from digital communication existence because he didn’t meet their moral standards. If you think this is starting to sound Orwellian you are right.

But let’s get back to the following the moolah…

Climate Reality Project: Gov. Murphy’s Wife Tammy Is A Co-Founder and Secretary Of The Board For The Climate Reality Project, An Environmental Group Started By Former Vice President Al Gore. The Climate Reality Project is “a group that tries to educate the public about global warming and enact policy related to the problem.


So what about Generation Investment Management?

Generation Philosophy: “We are guided by the simple belief that long-term investing is best practice and sustainability factors can materially affect long-term business profitability.” Not science.

For those of us that sat in the back of the class, that means we strive to use our connections to make oodles of money investing in green stuff.

I guess we should be looking at what… and who…. stands to make fortunes with taxpayer dollars funding energy projects…

Until next time.