Murphy blasts Gannett’s gross photo caption, still won’t remove subordinate who oversaw rape culture

Sometimes the hypocrisy is more than any decent or perhaps even half-decent person can stomach, Save Jerseyans.

On Monday, Phil Murphy unloaded on Gannett during his daily COVID-19 presser over a widely-discussed published photo sporting the caption: “A fucking hot nurse, a total JAP, loads a syringe with a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.”

“I would think, with all due respect, someone has to pay a price for that,” Murphy responded when asked, inferring that someone should losing their job over what was clearly a majorly stupid screw up on someone’s part. “That’s completely, incredibly offensive. Even the apology missed the point.”

Here’s another point missed:

Phil Murphy still haven’t demanded the resignation of New Jersey Corrections Commissioner Marcus Hicks who oversaw the widespread physical and sexual abuse of female inmates at the state’s only women’s prison. At the SAME Monday briefing, Murphy completely failed to answer a direct question about Hicks’s fate (who is also, btw, facing a bipartisan legislative impeachment resolution). “I’m going to repeat what I’ve said, so forgive me. The Edna Mahan incident in January is reprehensible. Completely, utterly unacceptable,” Murphy offered evasively.

Reprehensible for sure but not bad enough for Murphy to demand accountability from his own administration’s senior leadership?

Newspaper photos with inappropriate captions: Murphy demands firings.

A “culture of rape” and abuse happening on his subordinate’s watch: Next question, please.

These are the priorities of the man who holds the fate of your child’s education, small business, nursing home family member and unemployment check in his hands. Remember.


Save Jersey’s Founder and Blogger-in-Chief, MATT ROONEY is a nationally-noted and respected New Jersey political commentator. When he’s not on-line, radio or television advocating for conservative reform and challenging N.J. power-brokers, Matt is a practicing attorney at the law firm of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights (Camden County).

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.