TUESDAY: Murphy will be joined by fake GA Governor Stacey Abrams for a bill signing

The still-not-conceded 2018 Georgia Democrat gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams will join Governor Phil Murphy on Tuesday for a bill signing, Save Jerseyans.

She refused to accept her own’s election final result, a sin which earned Donald Trump universal condemnation but which has turned Abrams into a star of the American Left. Funy how that works, isn’t it? This week, she’ll sit alongside Murphy (remotely, via teleconferencing technology) and laud legislation to expand early voting in the Garden State. 

Murphy announced her participation via Twitter on Monday. Never one to shy away from hyberbole when it suits his agenda, Murphy (who previously compared Trump supporters to the Nazis) also said other U.S. state’s efforts to tighten-up their voting laws are reminscent of “Jim Crow-era” restrictions:

Ironically, the same Georgia official who pushed back against Trump backers’ voter fraud claims last fall says the Democrats’ own present claims are equally baseless.

“Nothing in this bill suppresses anyone’s vote… nothing. Those saying so are just stirring the pot and raising money,” Georgia Chief Operating Officer Gabriel Sterling tweeted on Friday, defending Georgia’s own new law. “The claim of voter suppression has the same level of truth as the claims of voter fraud in the last election.”

The Georgia bill is tame: among other things, it requires voter ID to vote by mail-in ballot and limits early voting.

You might not agree with the Georgia bill (for whatever partisan reason), but to compare it to JIM CROW (which included poll taxes and comprehension tests) is insultingly outrageous.

Phil’s credibility was already in the crapper, folks. Killing 8,000+ nursing home residents and one-third of your state’s small businesses will do that.

Standing alongside a phoney like Abrams and throwing around “Jim Crow” cements his well-deserved, building reputation as just another serially-unserious demagogue. 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.