N.J. gubernatorial hopeful Rizzo declared Catholics are “in bondage to their sin” in 2011 church promo video

Phil Rizzo, an protestant pastor and 2021 GOP gubernatorial candidate, said that Catholics are “in bondage to their sin” in a 2011 promotional video.

Rizzo, who serves as pastor of City Baptist Church in Hoboken, made the comments around the time his church bio says he completed his Masters Degree in Pastoral Theology. 

“It’s a very strong Catholic stronghold here. In a one-square mile town there’s seven Catholic churches,” said Rizzo. “I don’t know if these people have ever heard the gospel. Not only are they in bondage to their sin but they’re in bondage to religion.”

Catholicism is deeply-rooted in state politics. New Jersey remains one of America’s most heavily Catholic states; according to Pew Research Center, New Jersey is one of only four U.S. state (New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island) where Catholicism is a plurality religion. Phil Murphy (while a rabidly pro-abortion Democrat) is Catholic as is former Governor Chris Christie. 

Rizzo is considered the only potentially competitive candidate in this year’s June GOP gubernatorial primary aside from the frontrunner Jack Ciattarelli and, as a result, his positions and professional history have garnered renewed attention and scrutiny in recent days.

When I reached out for comment, the Rizzo campaign attempted to differentiate between Rizzo’s religious beliefs and his political opinions.

“This video reflects Phil’s theological/doctrinal position as a protestant minister,” said Joanna Duka, a spokesperson for the Rizzo campaign on Friday. “It’s irrelevant to his political position or to what his disposition would be as Governor.”

Whether there’s a functional difference between the two would certainly be raised as an issue by the Murphy campaign in a hypothetical November matchup with Rizzo.

The candidate’s Catholic-critical comments begin around the 1:41 mark:


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.