Save Jersey Welcomes Ordained Minister, Former Mayor to Contributor Team

Your Blogger-in-Chief is always looking for the most interesting and knowledgeable contributors, Save Jerseyans. As our site grows, the Save Jersey Team continues to represent the richness, talent and yes, diversity, of the New Jersey conservative movement.

It’s how we roll (as the kids say).

We’re happy to have two new contributors this week; please make them feel welcome:


For 24 years, Dale Glading served as Founder and Executive Director of The Saints Prison Ministry. During that time, The Saints grew from a fledgling non-profit organization into America’s largest athletic prison ministry with a national headquarters in Moorestown, New Jersey and branch offices in Colorado Springs, Richmond, Charlotte and Atlanta.

Under Dale’s leadership, Saints athletic teams played and ministered in over 350 different correctional facilities in 25 states and Canada. As a result of those visits, more than 300,000 inmates were exposed to the Gospel message and 23,000 of them made professions of faith in Jesus Christ.

In 2008 and 2010, Dale ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in New Jersey’s 1st District. Although he didn’t win, Dale still managed to earn more votes than any member of his party in over 35 years. More importantly, he shared his faith openly on the campaign trail as he sought to defend the Judeo-Christian principles our great country was founded upon.

Dale earned a Bachelor of Science degree with summa cum laude honors in Community Recreation from Temple University in 1981. He served as Recreation Director at the Wiley Christian Retirement Community for 10 years before entering full-time ministry with The Saints in 1994.

An ordained minister and a published author (Unconditional Surrender – 2007); (Difference Makers – 2009); and (Consumed by Christ – 2011), Dale formed “Risk Takers for Christ” in 2011 to challenge believers to step out in faith and live life to its fullest for Jesus Christ. Dale and his wife Deanna have been married for 26 years and have three adult children.

Follow Dale on: FacebookTwitter

Check out his first Save Jersey post: Dr. Romney, Please Report to the ER! (7/10/12)


Mayor Alexander was elected November, 2007 winning against the incumbent Council President in a landslide vote. The Mayor of Haddon Heights is a volunteer position receiving no salary or benefits. Mayor Alexander ran for office to stop multiple year double digit tax increases and to bring back confidence in the Governing Body after a botched reassessment in 2007.

Mayor Alexander was the Chief Executive of the Municipality and statutory leader of the Borough. His core responsibilities included public safety, human health and welfare. He has stated his goal to run the Borough like a business ensuring fiscal responsibility and quality of life.
Scott grew up in Haddon Heights and has worked for AIG, Merrill Lynch, and Campbell Soup. He has attended the University of Pennsylvania (MS); Widener University (MBA); and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (BS).

Check out his first Save Jersey post: Shared Services: Take it or Get Hit with a Stick (7/11/12)

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.