Why aren’t the N.J. Democrats threatening Project Veritas speaking out to defend Sinema?

Senator Kyrsten Sinema is quite literally under siege these days, Save Jerseyans. Far-Left protesters, angered by her role in holding up a multi-trillion dollar spending spree, simply won’t leave her alone or allow a moment’s peace.

The Arizona Democrat was recently followed into a bathroom by four protesters who may be charged for their behavior. Just this week, protesters disrupted a wedding that Sinema officiated for a friend; video of the tearful mother of the bride attempting to reason with some of the least reasonable people in our country quickly went viral.

Remember when Maxine Waters encouraged people to harrass Trump officials? This is who the Left is, folks!

Meanwhile, here in the great Garden State, New Jersey Democrats have threatened to sue James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas over what they describe as “criminal harassment.” They’re furious over a series of undercover videos dropped last week, the first of which shows stop Murphy World figures admitting that the Governor is holding off on announcing a vaccine passport program for fear of pissing off independent swing voters before Election Day.

We don’t have to guess at what happened. Here’s the video. No one touched or threatened anyone when Project Veritas confronted Wendy Martinez. No one’s egress was blocked or arrested in any way. There’s nothing “alarming” about the interaction unless, of course, you know that you just said something really, really politically stupid that’s been caught on video.

Compared to what Kyrsten Sinema has been dealing with on a daily basis? Project Veritas might as well have been handing out candy and flowers.

It’d be easier to assign some seriousness to the Democrat outrage over Project Veritas’s tactics if they were willing to defend Senator Sinema. They’re not, so we can’t. The Left continues to politicize everything they think they can weaponize including the criminal code.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.