Christie blames Democrat state courts for GOP redistricting disasters

Former Gov. Chris Christie.

Chris Christie co-chairs the GOP’s redistricting efforts and it hasn’t been going well, Save Jerseyans. Democrats are notching major redistricting wins across the country. Those victories likely won’t be enough to save them in 2022, but stronger Democrat maps may help them recapture the House (assuming they lose it first) in 2024 or a subsequent cycle this decade.

On Wednesday, Christie reportedly pointed the finger squarely at elected state courts which the Democrats have successfully helped swing in their direction in recent years.

h/t Politico:

Republicans seethed at the rulings, blaming them on the Democratic effort helmed by former Attorney General Eric Holder and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

“These are nothing but partisan rubber stamps today,” former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christe, a co-chair of the National Republican Redistricting Trust, said on a call with reporters. “And the game is far from over.”

And Christie beseeched his party to course correct its efforts on state courts.

“We allowed Barack Obama and Eric Holder to outmaneuver the Republican committees in those states and the RNC,” he said. “And we can’t take for granted these Supreme Court elections and what impact they can have on the maps that are going to rule the country from a congressional perspective for the next decade.”

He’s not wrong.

There is nevertheless some irony associated with his criticism: New Jersey’s far-Left Supreme Court just upheld a deeply-flawed Democrat map, and two Christie appointees voted with the unanimous majority.

Matt Rooney
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MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.