VIDEO: John Kerry is worried Russia’s invasion will distract from climate change

If you need more proof that climate change-ism is an incurable disease?

Enter John Kerry, Save Jerseyans.

Hours before Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Wenesday, Joe Biden’s climate czar spoke to BBC Arabic and bemoaned the impact an armed conflict would have on the world’s attention to climate issues.

“[…] it could have a profound negative impact on the climate obviously,” said Kerry. “You have a war and obviously you’re going to have massive emissions consequences to the war. But equally importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus, you’re going to lose certainly big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact. So, you know, I think hopefully President Putin would realize that in the northern part of his country, they used to live on 66% of the nation that was over frozen land.”

This isn’t satire, folks.

It’s real life:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.