Operation Siberian Scapegoat is underway but it’s certain to fail

The “Biden Bounce” is already over, Save Jerseyans, and Democrats are scrambling to flip the script with a little more than seven months left to go before the midterm elections.

The plan (and it isn’t much of one): blame Putin for inflation.

Make no mistake, inflation is largely the fault of Putin,” our rapidly aging president alleged last week.

CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and the rest of the legacy outlets are happily parroting the talking point. The White House has even recruited TikTok “influencers” to carry their water. It’s pathetic with a capital “P.”

Here’s what the future former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had to say about it this week:


“The Putin gas hike.”

Give her credit for shamelessness if nothing else!

Of course, contrary to how Nancy presents it, inflation in the United States started taking off well before Putin began massing troops on the Ukrainian border with Russia in early 2022.

The inflation rate jumped from 5.4% in September 2021 to 6.2% in October 2021 well in advance of the invasion storyline. By December, inflation had reached 7%.

Similarly, the average gallon of gas (across all grades) in January 2021 was $2.420, lower than it had been in January 2020. By December 2021? $3.406.

This is Operation Siberian Scapegoat, folks, and for the record, I usually appreciate Tucker Carlson’s takes but I’m not on his bandwagon when it comes to the war in Eastern Europe. Putin is a big bad, second only to China. Ukraine – for all of its young democracy’s many flaws – is unambiguously the good guy.

That being said, Democrats will now work overtime to harness anti-Putin fervor to wiggle their way out of a mess which is largely of their own making. Biden deserves special blame for the energy price crisis since he has gone out of his way to close pipelines, shutdown exploration, and return America to an era when it relied on despotic regimes in the Middle East for its energy needs. Biden’s reversing a trend towards energy independence that began during the Bush years, and in so doing helped bring about a disaster in Eastern Europe.

I don’t know whether the GOP will next 6 House seats or 60 in November, Save Jerseyans.

I do know this: Putin has a much better chance of permanently subjugating Ukraine than Joe and Nancy have of pulling off Operation Siberian Scapegoat.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.