Sherrill and Gottheimer are embarrassing themselves (and New Jersey)

Misery loves company. Shamelessness, too, and that’s especially true when the political winds are blowing in the wrong direction.

Abortion and January 6th politics aren’t helping the Left’s polling position this cycle, Save Jerseyans, but that isn’t stopping them from trying. It’s not like anything else working for them right now.

Why? For starters, it’s so obvious to even casual observers that the January 6th Committee is nothing more than a Democrat Midterm hail mary tactic that even the “No Labels” group took to Twitter this week to denounce what they see as a “partisan exercise about which the public is skeptical.”

Check it out:

Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-05) doesn’t agree. Or can’t agree?

Despite the North Jersey Democrat incumbent’s historical alliance with the organization, his spokesman told Politico that he doesn’t agree with No Labels on this issue. Congressman Gottheimer is prepared to argue, it seems, that the endless quest to find a conspiracy surrounding January 6th is wonderful and appropriate use of taxpayer resources at a time when Americans can barely afford gas, groceries, or even formula (assuming they can find it).

“Bold move, Cotton,” especially for a guy whose seat may very will flip in November.

Meanwhile, his North Jersey colleague Mikie Sherrill (D, NJ-11) is continuing to play dumb in the hopes of being hailed as a genius by the lapdog media establishment.

Shortly after the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill riot, Sherrill alleged – but provided no details (!) – that Republican members of Congress aided rioters by giving reconnaissance tours.

“I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him, those members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol that I saw on January 5th in reconnaissance for the next day,” Sherrill announced during a January 12th social media town hall. “Those members of Congress that incited this violent crowd, those members of Congress that attempted to help our president undermine our democracy. I’m going to say that they’re held accountable, and if necessary, ensure that they don’t serve in Congress.”

Nearly one-and-a-half years have transpired and Sherrill NEVER provided any details to back up her claims. No witnesses. No names. No evidence. Her outrageous, reckless, and nakedly partisan behavior drew an ethics complaint.

Now Sherrill is thumping her chest after the hopelessly-compromised January 6th Committee called on Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia to testify based upon a tour which he allegedly gave prior to the riot:

Loudermilk responded by calling on the Capitol Police to release the tapes.

“The 1/6 political circus released the letter to the press before even notifying Mr. Loudermilk, who has still not received a copy,” replied Loudermilk in a joint statement with Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis. “The Select Committee is once again pushing a verifiably false narrative that Republicans conducted ‘reconnaissance tours’ on January 5th. The facts speak for themselves; no place that the family went on the 5th was breached on the 6th, the family did not enter the Capitol grounds on the 6th, and no one in that family has been investigated or charged in connection to January 6th.

“We stand by our previous Ethics complaint against Representative Mikie Sherrill and 33 other Democratic Members of the House who made unsubstantiated claims that Republican members gave ‘reconnaissance tours’ of the Capitol,” the congressmen added. “Any member who pushes false allegations against another member should be held accountable.”

They should be held accountable assuming Democrats’ accusations continue to bear no fruit. Maybe accountability is possible if/when Republicans retake Congress in January.

My immediate concern as a New Jerseyan is the embarrassment that these two clownish congresspeople are visiting upon the people of our state.

New Jerseyans are suffering right now. The economic storm clouds continue to roll in and the skies are darkening. We could use some serious leadership in D.C. right now, but Sherrill and Gottheimer (who ran as centrists when they first sought high office) continue to debase themselves in the interest of savings their parties’ political skin – and their own – heading into an ugly election cycle.

They deserved to lose reelection based on their records alone, folks.

They deserve to lose based on their disgraceful part in the post-January 6th partisan project alone.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.