Biden sinks to 33% approval in NYT poll

Where’s the bottom? Good question!

Joe Biden’s approval rating has dropped to a new all-time low of 33% (!!!) in a new poll released by NYT/Siena, Save Jerseyans.

There’s obviously a partisan divide in the cross tabs, but a full quarter of the president’s own party has apparently turned on him. 25% of Democrat disapprove of Biden’s job performance while 89% of Republicans and 68% of Independence disapprove. Only 30% of Democrats strongly approve of Biden’s performance in office.

That last part is the real story.

Yes, inflation, an endless parade of bad news, and continuing displays of incompetent leadership and early stage dementia have taken a toll on Joe Biden’s standing with independents. Even voters who don’t love Republicans are deeply concerned that no one is currently manning the wheel as the national boat drifts towards the shoals.

AOC’s recent refusal to endorse Biden for reelection back in June explains why POTUS is not just below water but presently sinking to depths lower than the Titanic.

It should also prepare us for a succession of increasingly reckless ideas from a White House desperately in need of something – anything – to get its base back into the game before the November election. A great example: the weekend announcement that Biden may declare a federal “health emergency” to free up federal dollars to fund abortions, something his own administration simultaneously acknowledges is a poor idea.

You don’t try that sort of nonsense unless you’re drowning.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.