U.S. House fails to select speaker on 14th ballot by one vote

Kevin McCarthy still hadn’t secured the speaker’s gavel as of Friday night, Save Jerseyans, leaving his quest to become Nancy Pelosi’s successor as the second most powerful individual in the federal government in limbo into the weekend. The House cannot organize without a speaker meaning the work of Congress is at a standstill and members can’t be sworn in.

The California Republican came close to a razor-thin victory despite having reportedly made significant concessions to holdouts and garnering 216 votes – only one vote short of the number required. Tensions also flared after the votes were cast resulting in a near altercation between Rep. Mike Rogers (a McCarthy backer) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (who voted “present)…

The word “historic” is overused but it applies here.

This is now the longest speakership election since the 1850’s when members deliberated for two months and failed to select a speaker until the 133rd ballot.

Each of New Jersey’s Republican members – Jeff Van Drew (NJ-02), Chris Smith (NJ-04), and Tom Kean Jr. (NJ-07) – voted for McCarthy on all fourteen ballots held so far.

Adding to the theatrics: Republicans moved to adjourn until Monday but, right when the motion appeared to be on the verge of defeat, the GOP began switching their votes to NAY. A possible indicator of a deal? The voting will continue into Saturday morning for at least one more ballot…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.