Phil Murphy, “gender affirming care,” and the Left’s Trump extradition hypocrisy

Governor Murphy is once again taking some cheap shots at Florida’s Ron DeSantis, Save Jerseyans, all in an effort to enhance his profile ahead of a presidential run in 2028? Or sooner? We’ll see.

But isn’t it amazing how the Left and its lackeys continue to accuse their adversaries of doing exactly what they themselves are actually doing? The ultimate example, of course, is the endless avalanche of allegations concerning the Trump family’s overseas business interests despite HARD evidence that the Biden family continues to peddle its own influence abroad for cash. There are also more subtle examples to be found if you’re paying reasonably close attention.

Take for instance how the Left roasted Governor DeSantis for announcing his refusal to extradite Donald Trump to New York in the event that it became an actual issue (it didn’t). Even Liberal Media messenger boy Chris Christie, once a GOP rising star before joining ABC’s This Week panel, joined the mob of familiar suspects mocking the Florida Republican.

“The governor has no role, has no role in this, particularly when the defendant doesn’t want him to have a role in it, right?” Christie opined. “So, like, the defendant’s not being asked to be defended, but he’s jumping to his defense because he knows it’s a no-cost position on the substance.”

Meanwhile, Christie (who signed two pro-transgenderism bills before leaving office) hasn’t said peep about a brand new Murphy executive order (EO 326) which, among other things, prevents New Jersey from extraditing someone present here to another state if the charges pertain to ‘gender affirming care.’ Even far-Left Sweden is moving away from the practice as it relates to minors; New Jersey on the other hand wants to be a legal sanctuary for doctors who mutilate young children by prescribing powerful hormones or even performing surgery to remove body party.

Murphy’s EO also explicitly provides that New Jersey law enforcement officers shall not “comply with a subpoena issued by another state, knowing that the subpoena seeks information solely because a person or entity provided, received, assisted in providing or receiving, sought, inquired or responded to an inquiry about, or traveled to New Jersey or another state to obtain gender-affirming health care services, except to comply with the Interstate Medical Licensing Compact.” Gender-mangling medical professionals would also be shielded from civil lawsuits here, not just criminal prosecution.

Let’s review:

The Left and its paid retainers are OUTRAGED by a Republican governor putting his foot down over overtly politically-motivated criminal charges (remember: Alvin Bragg was very open about his intention to get Trump back in 2021 when the Soros-backed politician was running for DA).

They are NOT outraged by a governor protecting adults who abuse and mutilate children.

Make any sense to you?

Of course not. Coherence isn’t a prerequisite of political pandering.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.