The First Amendment Still Matters | Pappas

The pursuit of religious freedom was one of the primary reasons people left the European Continent hundreds of years ago. Many emigrate to America today for the same pretext along with the desire to further their education or pursue greater economic opportunity. The United State of America remains the land of opportunity.

Yet, today, many in our country find themselves amid a sometimes-subtle form of religious persecution. I will focus on two groups.

There are an increasing number of Christian small business owners, that have found themselves embroiled in controversy and in many instances legal battles due to government edicts. These entrepreneurs have felt certain government requirements violate their First Amendment rights, effectively marginalizing their religious convictions. Thankfully, this troubling scenario has been adjudicated and the principle of religious freedom has prevailed.

The other disturbing circumstance is being seen on college and university campuses in many parts of the country. And there have been instances where prominent elected officials from States on the west coast have introduced initiatives that many in the Hindu community view as discriminatory. These legislative efforts are extremely troubling to me.

I have read reports where Hindu college students have been subjected to what some characterize as a hostile environment. Students desiring to celebrate holidays or traditional festivals have faced harassment. There appear to be academic leaders that accuse Hindu organizations of seeking to advance views that they consider hateful but in at least one instance would not enter into a dialogue to debate these points. So much for academic freedom and the free exercise of differing views.

New Jersey is among the most diverse states in our nation. Stories such as those that I have referenced at institutions of higher education have no place here. Those that make impassioned pleas for tolerance need to practice what they preach.

Religious freedom is enshrined in the Bill of Rights. There should not be any question about the responsibility of those in authority to protect the rights of those whom they serve. College administrators and professors need to ensure the rights of their students are protected and that they have a full academic experience where freedom of expression is the norm. There should not be a double standard. Those in authority must not be permitted to, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Addressing the legitimate concerns of the different religious groups cannot and should not be ignored. Perhaps, an inquiry is in order especially for the institutions that are publicly funded. As a candidate for New Jersey State Senate, it would be my intention to seek such an inquiry if elected.

The Constitution of the United States contains critically important principles that we must vigilantly protect and defend. The “First Amendment” is first because it is the foundation of our Republic. Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press cannot be prohibited. We each have a responsibility to keep our Republic alive. May we do so together.

Michael Pappas
About Michael Pappas 1 Article
MICHAEL PAPPAS is a former N.J. Congressman and current GOP nominee for State Senate in LD16.