Neptune City mayoral candidate agrees: U.S.A. full of “f—ing morons” who oppose Covid vax

The Internet is forever, Save Jerseyans, and it may come back to haunt more than a few Covid-19 hysterics and Faucists in 2023 and beyond.

Exhibit A: Rachel McGreevy, a Democrat running for Neptune City mayor this fall.

Republicans could take complete control by taking over two Democrats seats and successfully defending Mayor Andrew Wardell. Neptune gave Barack Obama 55.6% of its vote share in 2012, but the tiny borough may be trending to the right amid very clear demonstrations of misplaced priorties and failed policies coming out of Trenton and Washington, D.C.

It’s a familiar story, especially at the red and reddening Jersey Shore.

Neptune City voters may therefore be less-than-enamored with McGreevy’s November 2021 Twitter hot take on Covid-19 vaccination:

“Believe me, this here is turning into a third-world country because of the f—ing morons we have living here,” Stern lectured his SiriusXM radio audience back in fall 2021.

Even back then, Americans generally opposed Covid-19 vaccine mandates. The public’s assessment of the governmental pandemic response sure hasn’t improved in the ensuing months.

Neptune City Republicans believe McGreevy’s attitude is now a substantive issue in the general election.“I believe very much in the importance of civility,” said Mayor Wardell in a comment provided to Save Jersey. “It is important to show respect for all, especially those who oppose your personal views and choice. You cannot accomplish anything of importance without positive discord. However, to insult those who may disagree with you by calling them “f*#ing morons” immediately ends positive discord and is a poor representation of someone seeking a position of leadership in our community.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.