POLL: Parental rights is a massive losing issue for N.J. Democrats… if Republicans make it one

When I tweeted the other day that New Jersey Republicans weren’t doing enough on parental rights this election cycle, my phone blew up with operatives (and some candidates) protesting my premise. Where are the rallies outside school board meetings? Digital and in-person town halls? Yes, we’ve seen a few solid ads, but very little to try to cultivate a tie-in between Republican campaigns and the parental rights movement.

Perhaps today’s FDU Poll results will persuade the unconvinced?

As first reported by David Wildstein, this new survey shows a supermajority of state residents (better than 3 to 1) believing parents need a role in their school curriculum particularly in the realm of sex education, exactly what Phil Murphy and his AG Matt Platkin are suing school districts to prevent.

Click here to read the full FDU Poll report.

But here’s the key finding in my opinion:

“Without being asked about the role of parents in curriculum issues first, independents prefer Democratic candidates for Senate and Assembly by a 28%-8% margin, with 42% undecided,” explained Wildstein after reviewing the results. “But when the question is asked in advance of the ballot test, independents flip from a 20-point Democratic advantage to a 16-point edge for Republicans, 24%-8%, with 63% remaining undecided.”

Here’s what the pollster said when teasing his survey earlier in the week:

I know what I’m talking about, folks!

I’ve been watching this stuff for a long time, AND I’m a millennial parent living in this state with millennial parent friends.

This issue is a BIG winner for Republicans (and a loser for Democrats) IF Republicans lean all-the-way into it.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.