Zdan launches U.S. Senate campaign with immigration-themed video

Every poll suggests immigration is now a top issue for many voters in the early stages of Election 2024, Save Jerseyans, and it was the subject of Alex Zdan’s U.S. Senate campaign announcement earlier this morning.

“I’m running for U.S. Senate,” Zdan posted on X, sharing footage from a recent trip to the U.S.-Mexican Border. “As a journalist, I always went where the story was. Now, I’ve gone to the border to see this crisis first-hand. We have to fix it. New Jersey: I will work hard to earn your vote. I’ll be a senator for you.”

Zdan worked as a journalist – most recently for News12 New Jersey – until he was laid off in 2023 during a round of stations downsizing. He filed for consideration at the Somerset and Hunterdon GOP conventions prior to Friday’s announcement. He’s a tad behind in the nomination contest since Mayor Christine Glassner of Menham has already secured two county lines and real estate tycoon Curtis Bradshaw of Cape May is accruing a sizable block of institutional Republican support based in South Jersey and along the GOP vote-rich Jersey Coastline.

Still, the charismatic Zdan hopes he’s different enough – as a rare non-Leftist member of the media and a millennial to boot – to attract support from Republican voters and decision-makers as the primary convention season enters into most critical phase.

Watch below:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.