Op-Ed: There will be a Reckoning

Since our Founding Fathers, America has always experienced a hyperbolic political arena.

Look immediately at Jefferson and Adams to see how this partisanship was embedded into the bedrock of our American experience.

Through it all, such hyper politics was tempered by our third branch of government – the courts. The judiciary, although not always perfect, could be relied on to act as a guiding light to steer the ship of democracy, especially during turbulent times. It tried to stand apart from the political ring. No doubt, there were attempts to steer our courts into those partisan battles but for the most part our political parties realized that it was in their best interest to have an impartial and separate court system which should not be tampered with.

As we speak, ten million immigrants who have crossed our borders and the millions before them, came into our country not only for economic opportunities for themselves and their families but to escape in many instances a corrupt court system that would decide innocence or guilt even before the charges were declared. We pointed to “Soviet style justice,” where minor contrived infractions would be greeted with lifetime sentences.

Unfortunately, court style politics has now infiltrated our own judicial system to create our very own election year “lawfare,” with Former President Trump being the proud recipient of such political persecution. Four criminal indictments, one civil and one defamation case all mysteriously occurring during an election year. These cases, removing Trump from the campaign trail while in court, and also threatening to hamstring his electioneering during the remainder of the campaign.

I do not see any other individual in our country who would be able to deal with this lawfare and quite frankly nor should he or anyone else have to. This precedent is dangerous. Once that lawfare genie has been let out of the bottle, it will not want to go back in.

I hope and believe the American people can see through this political persecution. We are a good and just people. We do believe in truth and justice. We also recognize that there will be a “reckoning.” That first reckoning will be this November 5th. Additionally, Americans will look at what people, political parties and institutions were involved in these witch hunts and sooner or later, they will also be reckoned with.

The irony is that “the reckoning” will more than likely be through the justice system.

Joe Pennacchio
About Joe Pennacchio 3 Articles
JOE PENNACCHIO is a Republican state senator representing New Jersey's 26th Legislative District encompassing portions of Morris, Passaic, and Essex counties.