Green Energy is a Partisan Issue When I’m Forced to Subsidize It!

Sometimes, my dear Save Jerseyans, you need to eat a pound of crap to be a New Jersey Republican.

Well I hope you didn’t eat lunch; today is one such moment in time!

Governor Chris Christie (who I love but sometimes drives me CRAZY, so much so that it’s almost like he’s trying to do it) signed “bipartisan” legislation this morning purportedly designed to buoy New Jersey’s solar power industry. Specifically, this law mandates the purchase of solar subsidy credits by state electric utilities.

Now you might be asking yourselves “What solar industry, Matt?” Exactly right! Trenton pols are trying to birth an industry that science can’t guarantee and the market cannot absorb.

And guess who is going to pay for it?

As with all instances of government interference, consumers are bound to take a hit where it hurts most: in the pocket.

Even one advocate of the legislation told the Star-Ledger that he already sees the need for “some form of a throttle mechanism, we could potentially be in an overbuild scenario within the next two years.”  That’s your first clue, Sherlock, that the government shouldn’t have interfered in the first place! The market left to its own devices is self-correcting when supply overtakes demand; alternatively, a bureaucrat will simply subsize the overflow and pass the cost on to taxpayers. No amount of add-on regulation is going to stop that, nor will subsidizing a technology that has been proven “too expensive” to work in China, Germany, and right here in the U.S.A.

The part that really confounds me is that Governor Christie argued so effectively in 2009 against healthcare mandates. Why can’t he see the analogous qualities between (1) forcing a 21 year old male to pay for breast cancer examination and (2) forcing an electricity supplier to purchase useless green energy credits?

This is just another example of government making life more expensive — for job creators and market consumers — all in the name of “job creation.” Exactly what we worked so hard in 2009 to stop? Correct?

In his remarks memorialized in the video below, the Governor says “this is not a Democratic or Republican issue.” It sure is when you’re asking taxpayers to foot the bill!!!

Ugh…. just ugh, folks.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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