Time is Up, Mr. President: Disastrous August Jobs Report Released

More bad news for America, Save Jerseyans.

The U.S. economy added just 96,000 jobs in August 2012. That’s far less job creation than economic experts had hoped, and far less than the approximately 125,000 required on a monthly basis just to keep up with population growth.

For a little perspective, Ronald Reagan averaged 300,000 new jobs per month between May and October 1984 heading into his own reelection.

The overall official unemployment rate fell to 8.1% from 8.3% in August, but only because nearly 400,000 of our fellow Americans gave up their job searches. The “real” unemployment rate — including those who have stopped looking and are under-employed — is continuing to climb. I heard the U-6 is at 14.7% nationwide this morning… 88,921,000 total Americans who should be working are now out of the workforce…

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus pounced and hit the nail on its head…

Just hours after President Obama asked America for a second term, we received a clear reminder that he has yet to keep his number one promise to fix the economy. The indisputable message of today’s job report: We’re not creating jobs fast enough, and we’re certainly not    better off than we were four years ago. Time is up Mr. President.

With his massive $831 billion stimulus, President Obama promised to keep unemployment below 8 percent and reduce it to roughly 5.5 percent by this month.    Instead, we’ve endured 43 months of unemployment over 8 percent. Unemployment is even higher than when the president took office.

President Obama has no new plans for a second term–just more spending and more taxes. If we don’t change course, we’ll only get more of the same. Mitt Romney is the only candidate with a five-part plan to create 12 million jobs and strengthen the middle class.

The millions of Americans who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 are realizing it’s time to break up with this president. He promised hope and change but    delivered division and despair. With Mitt Romney we can do better.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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