A Boardwalk Empire, Minus the “Empire”

I guess this is “urban mismangement” day at Save Jersey

Hypertension alert… reportedly, “Atlantic City Council spent more than $65,000 this year buying cars for three members of the local governing body despite requests to refrain from such purchases by state officials…” (h/t Emily Previti of the AC Press):

City Council authorized buying one vehicle — ultimately, a 2003 Dodge Durango for at-large Councilman Moisee Delgado — May 9. Delgado said later he asked the city to buy a bigger vehicle because those available in the municipal fleet were too small for his 6-foot 2-inch “height and girth.”


Since May, two 2013 Ford Explorers have been purchased for $21,200 each for at-large Councilman Frank Gilliam and 1st Ward Councilman Aaron “Sporty” Randolph, city records show.

Also please keep in mind, Save Jerseyans: this is the same city whose school system recently paid Grammy-award singer Ashanti the sum of $20,000 to show up and hang out with students for a day.

Imagine what Nucky Johnson (a.k.a. “Thompson” on the HBO series) would think about all of this?

He’d probably remind the current leadership that politicians can only get away with behaving like boardwalk emperors when their empire is profitable. Purchasing fancy cars and retaining celebrity entertainers is no way for a city that barely subsists on state aid and thin casino profit margins to survive.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.