ELECTION 2004 FLASHBACK: Obama Criticizes Bush for Creating 300k Jobs

Back in 2004, then-U.S. Senate Candidate Barack Obama took the airwaves/radio waves and slammed then-President Bush was touting positive economic data: 310,000 new jobs and a 5.6% unemployment rate (see below). A much higher percentage of the available work force was participating at that point in time, so naturally job growth would be slower than during a “recovery.” And Obama’s non-recovery is lagging far behind those of other modern president who inherited recessions including Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.

But this is politics, and President Obama is the most hyper-partisan president in American history.

Here’s the Obama quote from his ’04 radio address that, in retrospect, highlight the President’s shameless campaign of hypocrisy:

After three dismal years of job-loss, we all welcome encouraging statistics. But for most Americans, the health of our economy is measured in a different and more personal way: If I lose my job, where will I find one that pays as well and offers real benefits? Can I afford health-care coverage on my own, or the cost of sending my children to college? Will I ever be able to save and retire with dignity and security? These are the questions I hear hardworking people asking. For them, the basic rewards of a middle-class life, rewards that we once took for granted, have become an elusive dream.”

Eight years later, Save Jerseyans, Barack Obama is grading his own jobs record much more generously, all despite the fact that his administration is celebrating only 114,00 new jobs and a significantly higher 7.8% unemployment ratehow are we supposed to take this guy seriously??

Exhibit 1:


Exhibit 2:



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.