VIDEO: Save Jersey Goes Door-to-Door with GREG HORTON, LD6 GOP Assembly Candidate

Yesterday morning we posted an interview with Al Richardson, an assembly candidate in New Jersey’s Sixth Legislative District. Save Jersey spent all of this past Saturday afternoon helping the ticket make voter contacts in the Southwest Jersey suburbs.

After touching base with Al, your Blogger-in-Chief caught up with his running mate, Greg Horton, who was pounding the pavement and going door-to-door. Greg is a husband, father and, interestingly enough, an experienced educator with a unique take on some of the major issues currently occupying the attention of state policymakers. He’s also a very hard worker; anyone who has ever run for office can attest that the trail isn’t always a forgiving place!



Want to help the LD6 GOP team? Visit for more information.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. A message to Greg Horton and Al Richardson:

    This is the only way I could find to respond to your “How to Raise your Taxes” flyer.

    Please don’t insult my (our – the voters) intelligence with trash-talk mailings such as this. Where in this “information” does it tell us about the ideal candidate you are and the fine work you have done?

    I am not naïve enough to think that candidates don’t have skeletons in their closet or have never misspoken. Allow us to look at the issues and put those things in perspective. I believe there are excellent wouldbe candidates “out there” (locally and nationally) who don’t run for office because they refuse to be subjected to this nonsense, bad enough from the press, but from other candidates.

    Please, start a trend, refuse in future to be part of this negative campaigning nonsense. I am one of the 99% who don’t appreciate it.

    In case you are wondering, yes I emailed your opponent and told them that I am appalled by their “We are appalled” mailing.

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