Ads on School Buses, Finally!

A recent proposal by Assemblyman Scott Rudder would finally allow school buses in New Jersey to sport adsin order to offset increasing fuel costs and ever increasing school taxes. After a year when a record number of school budgets were voted down across the state, this is exactly the type of innovative legislation New Jersey needs to fund its schools without putting more weight on the backs of the tax payers. The bill easily passed through the Education Committee. Rudder said,

“This legislation will provide school districts with an opportunity to derive revenues from a new source and help to offset the impact of reduced state aid.  The bottom line is that taxpayers will benefit from this proposal.”

And he’s absolutely right. School buses are everywhere (probably has something to do with the fact that children and schools are equally as widespread) for at least nine months out of the year.

They are a completely untapped resource for advertising revenue that I am sure companies would love to utilize, and there is no reason why they shouldn’t. The bill makes exceptions to exclude ads featuring alcohol, tobacco, and political speech.

Some might say that to plaster our school buses with ads would be cheap and distasteful. To those people I simply say: come down from your pedestal and realize the situation our state finds itself in. Districts like Medford Township Public Schools, in Rudder’s own 8th District, are incredibly self sufficient, taking in only 7% of their budget from Trenton and a mere 1% from Washington. The remaining 92% of their $47,000,000 budget falls squarely on the taxpayers. This bill gives those taxpayers a helping hand. Half of the money will be allocated to fuel costs for the buses themselves while the other half will be given to the districts to use generally.

This is the type of work that needs to be done more often in Trenton.

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


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