BREAKING: A Democrat Finally Blames Obama Rather Than Bush

“Bush’s Fault” has essentially become a meme in its own right. Whenever something happens in or outside of Washington, Democrats will jump up and blame the Bush Administration, and conservatives will take to twitter and mock them for it. The whole process may be the only thing more predictable than the sunrise.

But today something went wrong. A political anomaly. Democrat loser David Weprin, the man who was supposed to win Anthony “everyone has seen my” Weiner’s congressional district in Queens and Brooklyn, has come out in the media citing President Obama as the reason that he lost to a Republican in a district where the GOP is over numbered 3 to 1. This claim made by the man himself is completely contrary to the garbage that the Obama spin machine has been putting on the race’s outcome.

As much as I tried to make it about David Weprin or Bob Turner, I don’t think that resonated to voters. I think that voters looked at it as a referendum on the president

That’s right Save Jerseyans, “Obama’s Fault.” It finally happened.

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.