OPEN THREAD: Romney Romps in New Hampshire; Santorum Fights for 4th Place

9:29 PM: Fox News is going back and forth between Jon Huntsman’s “ticket to ride” speech and Sarah Palin’s “analysis” of the results. This is the part where I shut it down and try to find a Cake Boss rerun.

9:16 PM: Ron Paul is (still) talking in New Hampshire.

Meanwhile, tonight’s 4th place finisher Newt Gingrich is letting his thoughts wander elsewhere. He just dropped a press release touting an anti-abortion Romney advertisement running in South Carolina…


9:01 PM: I hate when Paulbots start chanting… reminds me of the Lyndon LaRouche groupies who serenade commuters on the D.C. Metro.

8:31 PM: Mitt Romney is getting fired up after a slow start to his victory speech… “This president puts his faith in government; we put our faith in the American people.” Great line! And it sums up the core message of any successful 2012 GOP campaign.

With 21% reporting, Romney leads Ron Paul by almost 11-points. Santorum still trails Gingrich, but by under 100 votes, for the coveted “I’m not dead yet” No. 4 slot coming out of tonight’s primary.

8:01 PM: ALL NH polls are now closed!

Romney is already the projected winner with 36% of the vote (11% reporting). He won just two counties, Hillsborough and Rockingham, back in 2008 against John McCain; he currently leads in six (probably nine, but we’re waiting for data).

7:40 PM: Granite State polling places located in “population centers” (by NH standards) close at 8:00 PM.

Small towns and hamlets have already begun to count; with 4% reporting, Mitt Romney leads Ron Paul, 37% to 24%.

If these early totals portend the ultimate result, Governor Romney will be the first non-incumbent in American History from either party to win both Iowa and New Hampshire. So much for the “weak” frontrunner thesis, huh?

Stay tuned for updates…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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